Caravan EEZI-Fit
- Caravans & Trailers
- High Visibility Yellow
- Tyres 165–175 width and 13” Wheel Size
- Rims 13 inch
- Integral Lock
- Weight 12kg
Designed for the personal security of caravans and trailors using the popular 165/175
x 13” tyre/wheel combination. Manufactured to the same high levels as the larger
Wheelok clamps. Email Us
Car EEZI-Fit
- Cars & Vans
- High Visibility Yellow
- Tyres 175–185 width
- Rims 13 inch
- Integral Lock
- Weight 14kg
Private security of cars and vans using 175/185 tyres. Manufactured to the same
high levels as the larger Wheelok clamps. Email Us
Standard Model A
- Cars, Trailers & Vans
- High Visibility Yellow
- Tyres 125–185 width
- Rims 10–13 inch
- Integral Lock
- Weight 15kg
Personal security for cars, caravans and trailors with 125/175 tyres Uses the Wheelok
chock and locking plate method of security. Email Us
Super Model A
- Improved Security for Cars, Trailers, Horseboxes & Vans
- High Visibility Yellow
- Tyres to 195 width
- Rims 13–14 inch
- Integral Lock
- Weight 16kg
The Super Model ‘A’ is a versatile model offering greater security that the Standard
model. The larger front plate offers greater wheel coverage preventing access to
the wheel nuts thus allowing the clamp to be used on larger wheel sizes. Email Us